Toys R Us Layaway

July 1, 2018 update: All U.S. Toys R Us stores have closed.

March 17, 2018 update: With closures of U.S. Toys R Us stores pending, the company has issued a statement about items that customers currently have under layaway: Toys R Us says it will notify layaway customers so they can “pay it off, pick it up, or open the layaway at another store.” Deadlines for pickup will vary by location, but if items aren’t picked up in time “we will cancel your order and waive any applicable fees.”

Sept. 21, 2017 update: Having just filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy restructuring, Toys R Us is fighting off competition from retailers such as Walmart and Amazon and will offer a holiday toy layaway program again in 2017. (Company reps have stated that no store closures are currently planned.) The program started Aug. 28 and runs through Dec. 13, by when all items must be paid off and retrieved. The $5 service fee will be waived; 10% down is required. Payments can be made in stores or online. A $10 cancellation fee applies.

Sept. 21, 2014 update: For the 2014 holiday shopping season, Toys R Us is waiving its usual $5 “service fee” and has also made it possible to place items on layaway online by clicking an “add to layaway” button, the company announced Sept. 10. The toy retailer is requiring a down payment of 10 percent, and will assess a $10 fee on all cancelled layaways. Payments must be made bimonthly over 90 days or sooner, but definitely before the holiday cutoff, which is usually sometime in the week before Christmas. Payments may be made online. Toys R Us has also expanded its rewards program to a point-based system and is highlighting its price-matching policy.

Sept. 4, 2012 update: For part of latter part of 2012, Toys R Us will not be charging fees to place toys, video games, and other allowed items on layaway. The company announced today that it will waive the up-front fees until Oct. 31, 2012, after which time items subsequently placed on layaway will be subject to a $5 service fee. Shoppers must put 20 percent down and pay off half the price of their items within 45 days and the entire balance by Dec. 16.

Items excluded from layaway include: diapers, clothing, “holiday-related items”,

Oct. 5, 2011 update: Toys “R” Us has announced that, beginning Oct. 15, it is expanding its layaway program to include not just big-ticket items but nearly all “playthings” it carries.

Legos and Barbies are among the toys the store is promoting as now eligible for layaway. Before, purchases were limited to ride-on toys, large dollhouses, furniture, video game hardware systems, and other pricier gifts. The expanded program will be offered at 450 of the about-600 TRU stores nationwide. All purchases placed on layaway must be paid off by Dec. 4.

(earlier post continues below)

Toys R Us announced on Oct. 19, 2009 that it would begin offering layaway on big-ticket items such as bikes, battery-powered vehicles, outdoor play equipment, baby and toddler furniture, doll houses, ride-on toys, ,play kitchens and so on. While the new program comes just in time for the holiday season, the inclusion of baby strollers, car seats and other gear makes it sound like the chain retailer is thinking of layaway as an option year-round for baby showers and other consumer needs.

People using the Toys R Us layaway program, which is also available at Babies R Us, must put down a deposit equal to 20 percent of the item’s price, including tax, and also pay a $10 service charge. Additionally, if a layaway purchase is cancelled by the customer, he or she will be assessed a $5 fee, apparently in addition to the service charge.

Items must be paid off by Dec. 6 to ensure they can be picked up by Christmas. (Note: This was in 2009; current due dates may vary.)

Toys R Us is advertising its layaway program as intended for “The Big Gift.”
On Nov. 18, 2009, Toys R Us announced that beginning Nov. 22 it would expand its layaway program to include video game hardware such as the Nintendo Wii, XBox, PlayStation and other systems.

“Since the introduction of the ‘Big Gift’ layaway last month, the number one request we’ve received from customers is to expand the program to include video game hardware, and we’re responding by providing more convenient payment options for these items,” stated Jerry Storch, Chairman and CEO, Toys”R”Us, Inc., in a press release.

In May 2010, Toys R Us launched a Christmas Savers Club, promoting it as an alternative to layaway (which is still available) since shoppers don’t have to decide ahead of time what they want to purchase. For consumers who have a hard time saving, the Christmas Savers Club is a way to make sure there is enough money set aside for the holidays, and as a bonus, Toys R Us will automatically add 3% to the card (up to $75). You sign up for the card, add value to it whenever you’d like (at a Toys R Us register), until Oct. 16. The card can’t be used until Oct. 31. And be sure to save your deposit receipts, because if your card is lost it’s the only way to prove you had money on it.

3 Responses to “Toys R Us Layaway”



  2. MEREDITH says:

    You can only put Large items on Layaway. i.e. things that cost over 100 dollars. if u go to it gives indepth info about the program. I just put a powerwheel on hold for my daughter and its a great thing but u have to pay it off 2 weeks before u need the item because they hold ur item in an off site warehouse.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Can you still layaway things even if its not holidays?

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